Thursday 10 October 2013


Leaving Nepal so a statistical update...

Necklaces in situ: 3
Sunburn: 1
Bumwees: Uncountable.. but nil currently
Lizard encounters: too many! 
Giant rocks climbed: 2 (counting the trek)
Marriage proposals: Still 0 - losing my touch. 
Planes: 9
Number of days without showering: 9
Number of Frisks leaving Kathmandu airport: 5 (including one very personal one)
We are back in India... and loving it. 
After spending last night on the floor of Delhi train station amongst Indian families all staring at us, rats, pooey smells, hair balls and homeless children trying to get our money, we eventually boarded a very late train to Kalka, and then the toy train to Shimla. 
We are back in the mountains and shaking off the last 24 hours with Kingfisher.

Getting excited for the next 7 weeks.

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